Orthodontists' Knowledge, Attitudes and Perceptions Regarding Smoking Cessation: A Pilot Study
dental practice, orthodontic, tobacco cessation, smoking cessationAbstract
Smoking remains a significant addiction problem among young adults. Among dental specialists, orthodontists frequently interact with adolescents and young adults during regular monthly visits, are positioned to address this problem. This study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of orthodontists regarding their role in addressing experimental smoking among patients. A cross-sectional survey was conducted using a validated self-administered online questionnaire. Forty-three orthodontists participated, the majority of whom were Malay (72%) and within the prime-working-age groups. Most demonstrated good knowledge of smoking-related issues and expressed confidence in detecting smoking habits and referring patients for further support (95%). However, key barriers to delivering counselling were identified, including time constraints (84%), limited access to educational materials (77%) and perceived lack of training (74%). Despite these challenges, the majority consistently communicated smoking risks (98%), referred patients (86%) and inquired about smoking status (79%). However, only 47% actively engaged in direct counselling. These findings highlight the need to address barriers, enhance training, and implement strategies to encourage active involvement in smoking cessation counselling among orthodontists. Such effort could expand comprehensive patient care and contribute to public health initiatives.
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