Dental Anxiety and Fear in 13-Year-Old School Students and Their Relationship to Dental Caries
Dental anxiety, Dental fear, Dental phobia, Dental cariesAbstract
Despite receiving school dental service programme since primary school, adolescents were reported to have high prevalence of dental anxiety and fear (DAF) and caries. This study aimed to determine prevalence of DAF and its association with caries among the 13-year-old school students. A cross sectional study was conducted at a secondary school in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Data was collected using a validated Malay version of the DAF questionnaires (IDAF4C+). Sociodemographic profiles were obtained and caries prevalence was determined using Decayed, Missing and Filled Teeth Index (DMFT). Chi-square analysis were conducted with significant level set at p<0.05. A total of 196 Malay schoolchildren participated with higher proportion of males (54.6%). The mean score of IDAF-4C was 2.24 (SD 0.76). The prevalence of DAF was high at 19.9% (95%Cl:14.3%, 25.5%). Having treatment under unsympathetic or unkind dentist was reported as the most anxiety-eliciting [mean (SD)=3.89(1.38)]. Prevalence of dental caries was 48.0% (95%Cl:40.9%, 55.0%). Students with untreated caries, missing and filled teeth were 23%, 2.6% and 39.3% respectively. No significant association between DAF and caries prevalence was observed. Strategies in helping adolescents to cope with their DAF should be employed to prevent the progression of DAF into adulthood.
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