Alveolar Bone Grafting Without Closure Of Oronasal Fistula In Cleft And Palate Patient


  • Zainal Ariff Abdul Rahman Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, University Malaya



alveolar bone grafting, oro-nasal fistula, cleft lip and palate


The standard procedure for alveolar cleft closure in cleft lip and palate patients is by alveolar bone grafting (ABG) where the residual opening of oronasal fistula in the palate is also closed simultaneously. Occasionally there is a situation of soft tissue inadequacy and attempt to close the fistula at the same procedure as ABG may compromise the result of the bone graft itself. An unforeseen leakage at the closure may cause graft infection leading to failure. This article reports on a technique where alveolar bone grafting was done without closure of residual palatal fistula to provide adequate soft tissue coverage for the grafted bone. This may reduce the risk of leakage at the oral mucosal coverage of the graft . The residual palatal fistula will be closed at later stage by muco-palatal flap or tongue flap. We reported on a case of a failed ABG which was reconstructed using this technique. Various other techniques to ensure success of ABG were also discussed. Conclusion: The alveolar bone grafting without closure of oro-nasal fistula reduced the risk of failure of ABG in a wide alveolar cleft.


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