The Effects Of Alcohol-free 0.12% W/N Chlorhexidine Gluconate Mouthrinse On Oral Health


  • S. Uma Department of Oral Pathology, Oral Medicine and Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, University Malaya
  • Dasan Swaminathan Department of Oral Pathology, Oral Medicine and Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, University Malaya



Chlorhexidine, mouthrinse, alcohol, plaque, gingivitis, papilla bleeding, calculus and stain


CWorhexidine gluconate, a dicationic bisbiguanide agent, contains anti-plaque properties. Most chlorhexidine gluconate mouth rinses presently available contain alcohol in varying concentrations. The role of alcohol in these mouth rinses is to act as a preservative and solvent although it may have deleterious effects on the oral epithelium on long term usage. Recently, an alcohol-free 0.12 % w/v chlorhexidine gluconate mouth rinse (Oradex?) has become available in Malaysia. This clinical study is aimed at determining the effects of this alcohol-free product compared to a placebo. A group of 60 meticulously screened subjects were assigned into two groups of 30 each. The first group started using the test product for 2 weeks followed by a washout period of 4 weeks. After this duration, this group used the placebo for a further 2 weeks. The 2nd group underwent similar protocol as the 1st except that this group started with the placebo. Measurements consisting of the following scores were recorded at baseline and after 2 weeks for each group: Plaque, Gingivitis: Papillary Bleeding, Stain and Calculus. Full mouth prophylaxis was carried out for all subjects after measurements at baseline as well as after the 2-week period. They were told to rinse with 15 ml of the designated mouth rinse twice daily for thirty seconds each after tooth brushing. The results of this study indicated that there was significant improvement in the plaque, gingival and papilla bleeding scores compared to the placebo. Stain and calculus scores were significantly increased for the test product when compared to the placebo. In conclusion, this study showed that alcohol-free 0.12 % w/v chlorhexidine gluconate mouth rinse is effective in reducing plaque and gingivitis but causes staining and calculus formation.







Original/Research Article