Oral Contraceptives and User Satisfaction in Kanchanaburi, Thailand

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Tiwarat Tor.Jarern
Kusol Soonthorndhada


This study aims to identify the factors that affect women who use public and private oral contraceptive services. It also aims to assess user satisfaction among pill users, particularly those who are covered by the 30-Baht card of the Universal Coverage Scheme. 1,234 women of reproductive age from the Kanchanaburi DSS (Round 5, 2004) were studied by using logistic regression to determine factors affecting the selection of family planning providers. More than half of the pill users used private family planning services. These users tended to be have a higher wealth index, live in urban areas, work in the business sector, and have at least a lower secondary education. Choice of the family planning service provider was influenced mostly by the price of the pill, followed by the number of drugstores in the community. Almost all users were satisfed with the family planning services they chose, whether these were public or private. Of the 121 pill users who were covered by the 30-Baht card of the Universal Coverage Scheme in the public sector, most were satisfed with the quality of medicine as well as the services they received from health providers.


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