Exploring the Mediating Effect of Resilience on Working Adults' Life Satisfaction in a Malaysian Metropolitan Context

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Kai-Ying Bee
You-How Go
Chuan-Chew Foo


Reported low levels of life satisfaction are concurrent with the rising level of
environmental and social pressures in many metropolitan regions. This study considers
financial literacy, health status, financial situation, public policy, and educational
attainment to explore the mediating effect of resilience on life satisfaction among working
adults in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A self-administered questionnaire was designed
and distributed to working adults aged between 20 and 39 years. A total of 384 usable
questionnaires were obtained with an 85.33% response rate. Using partial least square
structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM), our results provide two notable findings.
First, individuals who have better financial literacy tend to make decisions by adopting
a variety of financial strategies. In turn, their financial stability can lead to better
life satisfaction. Second, resilience appears to partially mediate the effects of financial
literacy, financial situation, health status and educational attainment on individuals’ life
satisfaction. Practically, this study will help the government better equip communities for
adults in the places in which they live. A more nuanced understanding of the underlying
structure of the economic system should be focused on to design more enlightened policies
that promote resilience.


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