Public-Private Partnerships for E-Government Services: Lessons from Malaysia

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Maniam Kaliannan
Halimah Awang
Murali Raman


Implementation of e-government is seen as a tool to improve
government service delivery to citizens, businesses and within government
agencies. The benefts could be more transparency, greater convenience, less
corruption, revenue growth and cost reduction. However, lack of fnancial
resources, and low levels of skills and limited capacity of governments are
some of the main obstacles faced in pursuance of e-government nationwide.
The introduction of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) is seen as a solution
to overcome many of the obstacles and challenges faced by governments in
realizing the objectives of e-government projects. PPP model is expected to
increase opportunities for both the public and private sectors to serve their
customers more effectively and effciently. The main aim of this paper is
to explore the need for PPP in e-government service delivery. This is done
by discussing some success stories and looking at lessons learned by the
Malaysian government to serve the stakeholders better in line with its vision
and mission.


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