Globalization of Innovations: Changing Nature of India’s Science and Technology Cooperation Policy

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Pranav N. Desai


The present paper is an attempt to focus on the international
dimensions of innovation policies that are likely to affect technological
change and development process. Recently, a new dimension of innovation
has been added by the offshoring of R&D services in India. This phenomenon was mainly confined to the triad countries but recently a number of
firms from China, Korea and Taiwan have also figured in this process.
Many theoretical and empirical studies are proving to be inadequate to
explain this process of globalization of innovation. The present paper
attempts to analyze the role of new actors, learning process and its impact
on India’s innovation system and discontinuity in India’s cooperation
policy if any. It is contended here that due attention on the interactions
between ‘national’ and ‘international’ innovation systems can no longer
be ignored for evolving balanced S&T policies.


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