Youth and Political Participation: What Factors Influence Them?

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Mohammad Tawfik Yaakub
Nurul Liyana Mohd Kamil
Wan Noor Azreen Wan Mohamad Nordin


This study discusses the factors that could influence political participation among youth. The purpose of this study is to look at the impact of the main factors (such as the influence of social environment and mass media) on youth political participation. A total of 343 youths participated in this study, with a response rate of 90.5%. Findings from multiple linear regression demonstrate that the influence of social environment and the influence of mass media have a substantial influence on political participation. Studies on the influence of political participation among the youth, particularly in Malaysia, are vital yet scarce. Significantly, the findings of this study can provide insight to political parties on the importance of youth political participation. Finally, this study provides practical implications for youth political participation.


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