Spectrum of Opportunistic Infections Related to the Central Nervous System Among AIDS Patients General Hospital Kuala Lumpur, 2001


  • Veeranoot Nissapatorn
  • Christopher Lee
  • Khairul Anuar Abdullah


A retrospective study was conducted in Hospital Kuala Lumpur, May,
2001.49 (12.1%) of 406 AIDS patients were diagnosed as opportunistic infections related
to the central nervous system. The sex ratio (M:F) was 7.2. The median age was
34 years. The predominant age group for male as same as female was 25-34 years.The
majority of the study subjects were Chinese (79.6%), married (49%), unemployed (42.9%)
and heterosexuals (95.9%) as the risk behavior related to HlV infection. The most
frequent clinical manifestations was headache (71.4%). At the time of diagnosis, the
greater number of patients 39 (79.6%) had CD4 count < 200 celVcumm. Outcome of
acute therapy the patients had a complete (85.7%), treatment continued (10.3%), and
transfer to other hospital (2.00/0). Toxoplasmic encephalitis (7.6%) and cryptococcosis
(3.9%) were the frequent cause of focal intracerebral lesions and meningitis in these
patients respectively. Oral candidiasis (32.7%) was the most common among other
opportunistic infections in this study.







Research article