Malnutrition and Helminth Infections Among Pre-School Children in Orang Asli Resettlement Villages in Kelantan


  • Zulkifli A
  • Khairul Anuar A
  • Atiya A S
  • Yano A


A survey of malnutrition and helminth infections among 268 pre-school children living in the Kuala Betis Orang Asli resettlement villages in Kelantan. The prevalence of helminth infections was 47.4'/a, with Ascaris lumbricoides being the most common helminth (43.9%), followed by Trichuris trichiura (29.7%) and hookworm (6.3%). The prevalence of Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura infections increased with age, with the highest prevalence found in the 6-7 yeas age group. The overall prevalence of stunting, underweight and wasting were 61.7%, 60.4% and 17.5'/:3 respectively. Both stunting and underweight were significantly higher among the infected children. Factors associated with helminth infections in the pre-school children were older age group, poor water supply and households with more than 5 members. Routine regular deworming is recommended based on the World Health Organisation recommendations for schoolchildren.







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