Career Choices of Physicians in Malaysia


  • Zulkifli Ahmad
  • Rogayah Jaafar


A survey of career choices Was conducted for two batches of physicians applying for a medical speciality course in Malaysian medical schools. There were a total of 952 applications, with 477 males and 475 females. Surgery ranked highest, followed by obstetrics and gynaecology, family medicine and orthopaedic surgery. The minor specialities of otorhinolaryrigology, psychiatry and pathology were the least popular choices. Questionnaires were sent to a random sample of 250 physicians in each batch to note factors affecting their choices of speciality. A total of 359 physicians responded, giving a response rate of 71.8%. Fixed hours of work and the ability to have direct contact with patients were relatively important factors for choice of speciality. Working as a clinical consultant was the most popular nature of employment While worlcing in the health office, service consultant in a public hospital, a non clinical lecturer in a university hospital and working in a private clinic Were less popular choices for these physicians. 







Research article