Alkaloids Isolated from Dehaasia candolleana (Meisn.) Kosterm

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A. Hamid A. Hadi
Mat ' Ropi Mukhtar
Khoo ' Choon Wee
Saripah Salbiah Syed Abd. Azziz


Three alkaloids were isolated from the bark of Dehaasia candolleana (Meisn.)

Kosterm; one morphinandienone, (-)-sebiferine 1 and two bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloids namely (-)- 0,0-dimethylgrisabine 2 and grisabine 3. Structural elucidations of these alkaloids were performed using spectroscopic methods notably ill, '3C-NMR (1D and 2D) and compared with reported data. Alkaloids 1 and 2 exhibited potent in vitro antiplasmodial activities to two strains of P. falciparum; D10 strain (sensitive strain) and Gombak A isolate (resistant strain)


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How to Cite
A. Hadi, A. H., Ropi Mukhtar, M. ’, Choon Wee, K. ’, & Syed Abd. Azziz, S. S. (2008). Alkaloids Isolated from Dehaasia candolleana (Meisn.) Kosterm. Malaysian Journal of Science, 27(2), 115–121. Retrieved from
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