Comparison of environmental impact assessment of highways in Malaysia, South Africa, Thailand, and Denmark

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Jens Stierdahl
Henning Schroll


he objectives of doing comparative analyses of EIA systems in Malaysia, South Africa,
1 hailand and Denmark are to inform policy makers with a view to improve EIA in the home countries, extend
knowledge oi methodological procedures and to increase international understanding of en\ ironmcnial
problems. The EIA procedures are aiming to provide individual approvals of different projects and assess and
mitigate the potential environmental impacts. Some procedures are written in the EIA legislation but EIA
administration and procedures are also based on the national tradition. To overcome this an EIA on a highway
was analysed in each of the four countries. In the paper we compare the EIA systems in the four countries
across four different themes: Relation to standard EIA procedure, EIA system and surrounding environmental
regulation, form of public participation, and scope of and methods in the analyses of environmental impacts.
Important findings are; that a participation in international cm ironmcnial conventions is reflected in the EIA
issues, EIA will expand on issues where environmental legislation is considered insufficient, cultural
determined issues will be enclosed in the EIA. and public access and public participation in the decision
process are present in all four countries but in very different ways


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How to Cite
Stierdahl, J., & Schroll, H. (2004). Comparison of environmental impact assessment of highways in Malaysia, South Africa, Thailand, and Denmark. Malaysian Journal of Science, 23, 21–31. Retrieved from
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