Ecotourism, Foreign Tourist Perception, and National Parks: The Case in Northeast Langkawi

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Lee, Boon Thong


Scientists from the University of Malaya have suggested that the northeast of Langkawi be declared as a national park by virtue of its great diversity. This paper argues that this suggestion is strengthened by adopting a dual approach of nature conservation and ecotourism. Some issues of ecotourism as it pertains to Northeast Langkawi are discussed. An analysis of tourist characteristics and perceptions shows a strong potential for ecotourism through the labelling of Northeast Langkawi as a national park


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How to Cite
Boon Thong, L. (2005). Ecotourism, Foreign Tourist Perception, and National Parks: The Case in Northeast Langkawi. Malaysian Journal of Science, 24, 205–212. Retrieved from
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