Morphological Differentiation among Estuarine Catfishes of the Family Ariidae of the Matang Mangrove Ecosystem, Perak, Malaysia

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Singh, H.R
Chong, V.C
Zakaria- Ismail M


Morphometric and meristic analysis indicates that the six species of the ariid catfishes of the genera $Arius$ recorded from Sungai Selinsing of the Matang mangroves can be distinguished on the basis of their pre-dorsal length, inter-orbital width, number of gill rakers and head length. $Arius$ $sangor$ has the longest pre-dorsal length and the widest inter-orbital width while $Arius$ $truncatus$ has the lowest number of gill rakers. $Arius$ $maculatus$ is separated from all other ariids of the area in having the highest number of gill rakers while $A.$ $caelatus$ is a species with the longest dorsal spine. Discriminant analysis employed has shed valuable insights on these morphological differentiations.


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How to Cite
H.R, S., V.C, C., & Ismail M, Z.-. (2003). Morphological Differentiation among Estuarine Catfishes of the Family Ariidae of the Matang Mangrove Ecosystem, Perak, Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Science, 22(1), 7–13. Retrieved from
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