Improving Fiber Optics Transmission Using Double Carrier Modulation / Differential Detection Technique (DCM/DiffD)

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Abdullah M.K
Naseer Abbas
Abas A.F


DCM/DiffD is proposed here as a new transmission and detection technique which provides longer transmission distance than the conventional technique. This technique uses amplitude subtraction between original data bits and their inversion to provide a simple dynamic decision making scheme. The inverted data basically serve as the threshold in place of the conventional externally injected voltage. DCM/DiffD technique is shown here to double the eye opening and improves the performance significantly. BER of as good as 10⻹ⴠat STM-16 rate over 150 km transmission distance with 0 dBm transmit power is demonstrated in this report. The new technique also shows a much slower degradation with distance than that of the conventional IM/DD systems.


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How to Cite
M.K, A., Abbas, N., & A.F, A. (2003). Improving Fiber Optics Transmission Using Double Carrier Modulation / Differential Detection Technique (DCM/DiffD). Malaysian Journal of Science, 22(2), 97–103. Retrieved from
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