Solving Gain Saturation Issue with GC-EDFA

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Subramaniam T
Harun S.W
Poopalan P
Ahmad H


This paper discusses the gain-clamped erbium-doped fibre amplifier system that is designed to solve the gain saturation issue experienced by the erbium-doped fibre amplifier system in a wavelength division multiplexer environment. The EDFA_Design software is used to show the critical gain saturation issue that is experienced by the erbium-doped fibre amplifier in a simple wavelength division multiplexer system. This software was then used to simulate the gain-clamped erbium-doped fibre amplifier system characteristics and finally to simulate the performance of the gain-clamped erbium-doped fibre amplifier system in a simple wavelength division multiplexer system in order to show that the use of this device solves the gain saturation issue.


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How to Cite
T, S., S.W, H., P, P., & H, A. (2003). Solving Gain Saturation Issue with GC-EDFA. Malaysian Journal of Science, 22(2), 83–90. Retrieved from
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