Unusual accumulation of a-tocopherol in rabbits fed palm-oil diets enhanced with various vitamin E components

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N. F. Hew
H. T. Khor
Y. M. Choo
S. F. Yap
S. H. Goh


The disü•ibutions of tocopherols and in rabbit plasma and liver were determined by feeding rabbits with various semisynthetic diets containing y-tocotrienol, ô-tocopherol or (1-tocopheryl acetate as the major vitamin E supplement. A high accumulation of a-tocopherol but not the other vitamin E compounds was observed in all groups. The ratios of tocotrienols: tocopherols and 6-tocopherol:ot-tocopherol in the Y-tocotrienol and 6-tocopherol-supplemented diets, respectively, were drastically reduced in the plasma and liver of the rabbits. The low levels of y-tocotrienol and 6-tocopherol were not due to bioconversion to the a-vitamer by the liver from radiotracer study, and may be due to their higher antioxidant reacüvities in combination with the presence of a highly selective (1-tocopherol-binding protein in the liver.


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How to Cite
Hew, N. F., Khor, H. T., Choo, Y. M., Yap, S. F., & Goh, S. H. (1994). Unusual accumulation of a-tocopherol in rabbits fed palm-oil diets enhanced with various vitamin E components. Malaysian Journal of Science, 15(1&2), 73–80. Retrieved from https://adum.um.edu.my/index.php/MJS/article/view/4762
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