Divorce for Marriages That are Less Than a Year in Petaling District Shariah Court


  • Solihah Mansor Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
  • Mohd Norhusairi Mat Hussin Universiti Malaya, Malaysia


divorce, age of marriage less than a year, Petaling District Shariah Court, factors of divorce


This study examines divorce cases for marriages less than a year that were registered in the Petaling District Shariah Court. Divorce statistics generally continue to show an increasing trend, but it is more worrying when records show that divorces for marriages that are less than a year have also increased. Among the objectives of this study is to examine the concept of divorce according to the Islamic perspective and its practice according to Islamic Family Law in Malaysia. In addition, this study was also conducted to analyze cases of divorce for marriages that are less than a year in more detail from the aspects of the age range of the couple, their level of education, their level of financial and economic stability, the number of their current marriages and the method of the divorce as well as to identify the factors lead to the divorce for marriages that are less than a year. The data has been collected through library research, documentation and interviews while the data obtained were analyzed using thematic methods. Document sources are derived from the files in the Petaling District Shariah Court. The study found that the main factors that lead to this problem are economic and financial instability, neglect of responsibilities, attitude and moral problems, physically and mentally weak and third party intervention in the marriage.



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Senarai Statut

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Senarai Kes

Kes Saman No: 10001-054-0068-2017

Kes Saman No: 10015-054-0275-2018

Kes Saman No: 10015-054-0267-2018

Kes Saman No: 10015-055-0176-2019

Kes Saman No: 10015-054-0470-2019

Kes Saman No: 10015-054-0491-2020

Kes Saman No: 10015-054-0444-2020

Kes Saman No: 10016-054-0408-2021

Kes Saman No: 10016-054-0465-2021

Temu bual

Ali Najmi Noordin (Hakim, Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Petaling), dalam temu bual beliau bersama penulis pada 5 Julai 2022.

Noorafizah Abdul Aziz (Peguam Syarie, Tetuan Noorafizah & Associates), dalam temu bual beliau bersama penulis pada 2 Julai 2022.



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