
  • Sodiq Sunkanmi Mustapha Crescent University, Nigeria
  • Abdulwahab Danladi Shittu University of Ilorin, Nigeria
  • Lateef Adeleke Crescent University, Nigeria


diyyah, classical, Maliki, justice


Justice under Islamic Law is seen as a quadrilateral path, justice to the offender, the offended, the public i.e., state and Allah. Conversely, many notable criminal legal systems focus majorly on the offender. Sympathetically in homicide cases or hurt, the highest justice to the victim or his family is often punishing the culprit. Islamic Law has made provision for diyyah (blood-money) to complete the chain of justice. With the re-emergence of democracy in Nigeria in 1999, Kano State amongst other states clamoured for the implementation of full Islamic Law practice which led to the long due but premature birth of the Shariah Penal Code (SPC) of Kano State in the year 2000. Consequently, avoidable errors filled the SPC which has demeaned the importance of this Law. This work analyzed the provisions on diyyah as contained in the SPC vis-a-vis the Classical Maliki School of Law which was said to be the favoured opinion of the SPC. A doctrinal research method was adopted which aided in finding out the loopholes and discrepancies in the SPC. It was recommended that the law requires urgent amendment while some of the missing rules on implementation can be catered for via detailed judgements.



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List of Statutes

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SPC of Kano 2000

Zamfara: Sharia Penal Code Law 2000, Law No. 10 of 2000

