Halal Certification of the Korean Foods in Malaysia: A Review of Literatures


  • Al ‘Uyuna Mohd Amin University of Malaya, Malaysia
  • Zalina Zakaria University of Malaya, Malaysia
  • Alina Abdul Rahim Islamic University Science of Malaysia, Malaysia


Malaysia’s halal certification, Korean food, issues, challenges


Malaysia’s halal certification has gained worldwide recognition. Halal in Malaysia is supervised within the government scrutiny. Stringent rules and standards in the Malaysia’s halal structure make a favourable response by the global community, including non-majority Muslim country like Korea. The boom of Korean Wave all over the world made no exception of its insertion including Malaysia. Korean cultural industries including Korean foods, cosmetics, entertainment and technology were gradually accepted in Malaysia, a Muslim majority country and with a well repute halal governance. Therefore, owing to the growing demand for Korean food leads to increasing numbers of Korean food products and Korean establishments in Malaysia. However, only a small number of the establishments that are halal certified. This article reviews the literature from previous works on the acceptance of Korean wave in Malaysia, the recognition of Malaysia’s halal certificate at the international level, the background of Malaysia halal certification on Korean food. This article also addresses the issues and challenges faced by Korean food premise operators in obtaining halal certification. The authors find that the issue of lack of information on certification procedures and the use of dubious critical materials are the biggest challenge in obtaining halal certification for many Korean establishment in Malaysia.



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Senarai Temu bual

Sheena Shamsuddin (Operation Support and Marketing Executive), dalam temu bual beliau bersama penulis pada 26 April 2019.



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