
  • Helza Nova Lita Padjadjaran University, Indonesia


intellectual property right, Indonesia waqf law, pledge waqf, wāqif, naẓīr


Waqf, one of the institutions accommodating Islamic laws, has been known and lived in Indonesia society for such a long time. However, the practice and development of waqf run in the community, are still very conventional; generally they are only intended to support facilities and infrastructure for ritual worship of Islam, such as the construction of Masjid and Pesantren; a place where people study Islam comprehensively. The provisions of Article 16 of Act No. 41 of 2004, describes that waqf may consist of movable and immovable properties. Furthermore, learning from the formulation of Article 1 of Act No. 19 of 2002, it can be understood that a copyright may be regarded as a property right. Based on this assumption, the Intellectual Property Right registered as property of waqf at Directorate General of IPR may be suggested to be able to be handed over. When it happens, it must be clearly stated the type of IPR including the aims of the waqf in accordance with the provisions of waqf. After handing over, the possession of IPR established by the authority shall be owned in accordance to the deal agreed by the first owner of waqf as a wÄqif.



Abul Hasan M.Sadeq (2002). “Waqf Perpetual Charity and Property Alleviation,” International Journal of Social Economic, vol. 29/1, no. 2, 135-151.

Djunaidi, Achmad & Thobieb al-Asyar (2008). Menuju Era Wakaf Produktif. Depok: Mumtaz Publishing.

Hariyani, Iswi (2010). Prosedur Mengurus HAKI (Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektual) yang Benar. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Yustisia.

Hasanah, Uswatun (2008). Wakaf dalam Peraturan Perundang-undangan di Indonesia. Jakarta: Modul Pelatihan Wakaf, Badan Wakaf Indonesia.

Hoexter, Miriam (2006). “Charity, the Poor, and Distributions of Alms in Ottomon Algiers,” in Tuhan, dan Agenda Kemanusiaan: Studi tentangWakaf dalam Perspektif Keadilan Sosial di Indonesia, ed. Najib, A Tuti & Ridwan al-Makassary. Jakarta: Center for the Study of Religion and Culture (CSRS) Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah.

Khalil, Jafril (2008). Standarisasi Nazhir Wakaf Uang Profesional. Jakarta: Modul Pelatihan Wakaf, Badan Wakaf Indonesia.

Krisnawati, Andriana & Gazalba Saleh (2005). TRIPs - WTO & Hukum HKI Indonesia: Kajian Perlindungan Hak Cipta Seni Batik Tradisional Indonesia, ed. Purba Afrillyana & Gazalba Saleh & Adriana Krisnawati. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.

Manan, M.A. (2001). Sertifikat Wakaf Tunai Sebuah Inovasi Instrumen Keuangan Islam. Depok: Ciber Bekerjasama dengan PKTTI-UI.

Saidin, Ok (2006). Aspek Hukum Hak Kekayaan Intelektual. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo.

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Widjaja, Gunawan (2011). Lisensi. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.

List of Statutes

Government Regulation No. 42 Year 2006 regarding to the implementation of Law No. 41 Year 2004 On Waqf

Law No. 14 Year 2001 On Patent.

Law No. 15 Year 2001 On Merek

Law No. 19 Year 2002 On Copy Right

Law No. 41 Year 2004 On Waqf Wakaf

