
  • Zaitun Abdullah Pancasila University, Indonesia
  • Endra Wijaya Pancasila University, Indonesia


principle of justice, empowering the poor, Pancasila, Dompet Dhuafa Republika


Charitable Institution of zakÄh in Shariah economic system in Indonesia growing quite fast. Until the year of 2012 was recorded that there has been 19 zakÄh receiver institutions that appointed by Directorate General of Taxes, that has been implementing their activities to collect and distribute zakÄh. The growth of zakÄh charitable institutions turns out have an impact on poor community empowerment in several places in Indonesia. Through some of their programs, like “Dompet Dhuafa Republika†that managing productive zakÄh, has been created opportunity to the poor community to improving their living standard so they would not depend on others. ZakÄh charitable attempts to help the life of the poor community actually is the essence of embodiment for principle of justice that exist on the Shariah economic system. That principle of justice also have similarity with the principle of social justice that consist in the philosophy state of Indonesia, that is Pancasila, especially the 5th Principle (Sila ke-5). This paper will do the comparative study between principle of justice in economy sector that implemented by the zakÄh charitable institution in Indonesia and in the Pancasila principle, particularly with the connection of both systems to empowering and giving the justice in economy sector for the poor community.



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List of Statutes

Law Number 23 Year 2011 regarding Zakat Management, Indonesia.

