Strategies for the Protection of Shandong Qinshu as an Intangible Cultural Heritage in China from the Perspective of Audience Development

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Bo Wen Zhang
Mohd Baldev Shah Shahnaz


The Chinese traditional oral art of Shandong Qinshu, characterized by its unique storytelling and musical elements, is facing great challenges in the present era due to rapid modernization and changes in the cultural ecosystem. This article conducts in-depth interviews and observations of the audience, practitioners, and cultural administrators of Shandong Qinshu. It analyses the current situation of the art in terms of audience expansion, and highlights the main issues affecting this factor. On this basis, this research proposes a series of targeted audience development strategies, with special emphasis on the synergistic roles of the government, cultural institutions, educational departments, and the media. Finally, this study puts forward specific suggestions for the implementation of the strategy, aiming to provide reference for the inheritance and promotion of Shandong Qinshu.


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