Hearing in the Holy Quran

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Abdullah Abdul Rahman el-Khatib


This article discusses the ways which the holy Quran uses the term "hearing". The holy Quran has mentioned this term and its derivatives one hundred and thirty five times. This indicates the important role which hearing plays in the life of a person's life. Whenever you find this term in the Quran, it mainly denotes hearing "speech" or "voices" or "understanding". Furthermore, the holy Quran occasionally uses "hearing" to refer to the medium of hearing i.e. the ear. In addition, the holy Quran often mentions "hearing" followed by "seeing". This occurs thirty eight times thus highlighting the importance of hearing over seeing. Scholars consider this an indication of the scientific inimitability of the holy Quran as the sense of hearing is formed in the mother's womb before the sense of seeing. The second part of this article explains the other terms related to hearing such as deafness and listening whereas the third one identifies the linguistic styles which the holy Quran uses to refer to hearing. The article concludes with a discussion of the purposes defined in the holy Quran for the use the hearing in particular contemplating signs in the universe which pare witness to the greatness of Allah as well as the full understanding of the precise meanings of the holy Quran itself.


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Research Article (Arabic)