Evaluating the Works of Indonesian Star-chitects, Case Studies: Star-chitects building designs in Indonesia

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Purnama Salura
Bachtiar Fauzy
Stephanie Clarissa
Reginaldo Christophori Lake


Towards the 20th century, in the world of architectural practice, there was an expression to refer to famous architect experts, "star-architect", or simply "star-chitect". The work of these star-chitects is widely published and used as a reference for designing new architectural works. However, it is very rare for academic research to focus on examining the architectural works of these star-chitects, even though these architectural works may not necessarily perform well and be able to positively benefit the surrounding environment. Therefore, this study aims to explore in depth the works of Indonesian star-chitects, particularly related to two main aspects of architecture, namely aspects of function and form. In line with this objective, the research not only examines the literature that is in line with the research issue but also integrates the interpretations of architects, users and observers. An analysis will be carried out on the work of Indonesian star-chitects that accommodate different functions, namely residential, hotel, library, and religious building. This research formulates a conceptual framework for analyzing architectural works based on the basic needs of architecture, which consist of architectural purpose-function-use. Its application to reading architecture in case studies shows that it shows that star-chitect architecture does not always perform well when evaluated based on theory and empirical conditions. In addition to contributing to the development of architectural knowledge, this research also brings practitioners to the awareness of the importance of a harmonious relationship between the function and form of architecture, as well as giving insights and providing alternative perspectives for laymen in appreciating architectural works.


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