O-JIE: Online Journal of Islamic Education https://adum.um.edu.my/index.php/O-JIE <p><strong>Online journal of Islamic Education (O-jIE)</strong>&nbsp;(eissn: 2289-3016) is an international, professional refereed journal in the interdisciplinary fields that relevant to Islamic studies. O-jIE serves as a platform for presenting and discussing the emerging issues on Islamic Studies. The journal is committed in publishing high quality articles in Bahasa Malaysia, English and Arabic, ranging from original research papers in the area of Islamic studies. This journal welcomes original and qualified researches on all aspects of Islamic studies. The topics may include, but are not limited to: Islamic philosophy, comparative studies on Islamic education and Muslim societies, Arabic Education, curriculum, teaching and learning in Islamic education, evaluation, Islamic education for indigenous groups, special education from the Islamic perspective and lifelong learning in Islamic studies.</p> en-US azhar@um.edu.my (Editor) edujournal@um.edu.my (Technical Officer) Wed, 08 Jan 2025 09:07:35 +0800 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 THE IMPACT OF ISLAMIC FAITH ON LEADERSHIP APPROACHES AND ORGANIZATIONAL DYNAMICS IN MALAYSIAN WORK ENVIRONMENTS https://adum.um.edu.my/index.php/O-JIE/article/view/57880 <p>This journal investigates the impact of Islamic leadership on work performance within the service industry through an empirical analysis. Drawing on the principles of Islamic leadership, which emphasize justice, integrity, and compassion, the study examines how leadership practices rooted in Islamic values affect employee performance and organizational outcomes. The research is a mixed-methods approach, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative analyzes to provide a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon. The quantitative aspect of the study involves surveying employees in service organizations to assess their perceptions of leadership behaviors aligned with Islamic principles and their corresponding work performance. Statistical analyzes, including regression and structural equation modeling, examine the relationships between Islamic leadership practices and various work performance indicators, such as job satisfaction, productivity, and organizational commitment. Complementing the quantitative findings, qualitative data are gathered through interviews and focus groups with organizational leaders and employees to gain deeper insights into how Islamic leadership influences work performance. These qualitative insights enrich our understanding of how Islamic values are integrated into leadership practices and impact employee attitudes, behaviors, and organizational culture. The findings of this study contribute to both theoretical and practical implications. Theoretically, the research advances understanding of the role of Islamic leadership in contemporary organizational contexts, highlighting its relevance and effectiveness in fostering positive work outcomes. Practically, the findings guide organizations seeking to enhance performance through principled leadership approaches rooted in Islamic values.</p> Mohd Nazrul Azizi, Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman, Firdaus Hilmi Nadzri Copyright (c) 2025 https://adum.um.edu.my/index.php/O-JIE/article/view/57880 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0800 THE IMPACT OF USING EDUCATIONAL PLATFORMS BASED ON THEORY OF MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES IN TEACHING ISLAMIC EDUCATION ON THE MOTIVATION OF FIFTH-GRADE STUDENTS IN THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES https://adum.um.edu.my/index.php/O-JIE/article/view/57881 <p>The current study aimed to identify the impact of using educational platforms based on multiple intelligences in teaching Islamic education to fifth-grade students in the United Arab Emirates, to achieve the objectives of the study, a sample of (32) male and female students was selected, and they were divided equally according to group and gender into two groups: experimental and control, motivation scale was applied to them. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences at the significance level (α = .05) between experimental and control group members on motivation attributed to the experimental group, the results confirmed that the use of educational platforms based on multiple intelligences had a positive impact on increasing the motivation of the students of the experimental group, the results also showed that there were no statistically significant differences at the significance level (α = .05) for gender on the motivation.</p> Badrieh Mouafak AlBunni, Wail Muin Ismail Copyright (c) 2025 https://adum.um.edu.my/index.php/O-JIE/article/view/57881 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0800 KESAHAN DAN KEBOLEHPERCAYAAN INSTRUMEN RUBRIK ANALITIKAL BAHASA ARAB BAGI TAHAP PENGUASAAN MURID SEKOLAH KEBANGSAAN https://adum.um.edu.my/index.php/O-JIE/article/view/57902 <p>This study examines the validity and reliability of the items in the Arabic Language Analytical Rubric Level One (BATS). The rubric was developed based on qualitative data obtained through purposive sampling involving outstanding teachers in the teaching and learning of Arabic at primary schools. The validity and reliability of this analytical rubric were analyzed using the Multi-Facet Rasch Model, assisted by Facet software. The BATS Analytical Rubric comprised 99 items (48 under the Language Skills dimension and 51 under the Exemplary dimension). The Exemplary dimension items and the Language Skills dimension items were assessed by six and seven experts respectively. Content validity was tested by examining the polarity of the items, while reliability was assessed by examining item functionality in terms of reliability and the item-person separation index. All items demonstrated positive polarity values (Language Skills: PMC between 0.52 - 0.84; Exemplary: PMC between 0.73 - 0.83). The reliability values for both items and individuals across the two dimensions were at a very high level (&gt;0.9). The person separation index for the Language Skills dimension was 5.64, and 5.72 for the Exemplary dimension. The item separation index for the Language Skills dimension was 3.48, while the Exemplary dimension was 4.08. Based on these findings, the BATS Analytical Rubric is considered to have a high level of validity and reliability, making it suitable for use as a guide for teachers in determining students' mastery levels in Level One Arabic Classroom Assessment at national schools. In conclusion, the reliability analysis and construct validity have contributed to developing a high-quality and meaningful BATS Analytical Rubric.</p> Hariatul Hafidzah Mahmad Khory, Muhammad Azhar Zailani, Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman, Harris Shah Abdul Hamid Copyright (c) 2025 https://adum.um.edu.my/index.php/O-JIE/article/view/57902 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0800 MODEL KONSEP PENDIDIKAN ISLAM HEUTAGOGI (MKPIH) KE ARAH PEMBENTUKAN MURID MADANI https://adum.um.edu.my/index.php/O-JIE/article/view/57903 <p>The formation of <em>murid madani</em> aspires to produce a future generation of skilled students possessing holistic potential. The nation’s aspiration to elevate the quality of education must be realized by applying futuristic pedagogies, such as the heutagogical approach. Heutagogy emphasizes student-centred teaching and learning while focusing on <em>karamah insaniah</em> through lifelong knowledge and skill development. Furthermore, the foundational principles of heutagogy align with the goals of Islamic Education, which aim to foster student potential through continuous education and guidance. Therefore, the Heutagogical Islamic Education Conceptual Model (MKPIH) should be introduced to enhance Islamic Education teachers' understanding of the heutagogical approach to teaching and learning. Four teachers from four schools in four states, namely Kelantan, Pahang, Terengganu, and Selangor, were selected as study participants using purposive sampling techniques. In addition, focused group discussions with eight students and document analysis were conducted. Triangulation, continuous engagement, member checks, audit trails, and peer reviews were employed to address data validity and reliability issues. Data were thematically analyzed to filter codes, forming criteria, and finally building relevant themes using the software NVivo 12 Plus. The findings indicate that teachers comprehensively understand the heutagogical approaches applied in Islamic Education. The heutagogical concept comprises five elements: student autonomy, student-centeredness, the teacher as a guide, the use of technology, and alignment with religious demands. The principle of heutagogy, which highlights the student as the main agent of learning, is not unfamiliar to teachers, as they appear capable of emphasizing it in their teaching processes. Therefore, the Heutagogical Islamic Education Conceptual Model (MKPIH) is relevant in strengthening teachers' understanding of their role in shaping murid madani. This approach meets the demands of modern education and consistent with religious requirements, ensuring that students are equipped with lifelong skills for the future.</p> Noor Muslieah Mustafa Kamal, Zaharah Hussin, Abdul Muhsien Sulaiman, Mastura Halim, Zaliyana Mohd Hanafiah Copyright (c) 2025 https://adum.um.edu.my/index.php/O-JIE/article/view/57903 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0800 PEMBENTUKAN KARAKTER MURID MELALUI PEDAGOGI TERBEZA DALAM PENGAJARAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI SEKOLAH RENDAH https://adum.um.edu.my/index.php/O-JIE/article/view/57904 <p>Character development among students is a critical aspect of education that often becomes a focal point to ensure that the younger generation grows with positive values necessary to contribute to society. <em>Pedagogi Terbeza</em> (Differentiated Pedagogy), which emphasizes a teaching approach tailored to student's needs, is increasingly recognized as an effective method for achieving this objective. This article discusses how Differentiated Pedagogy can be applied in the context of Islamic Education teaching in Malaysia, focusing on key aspects such as content, process, product, and learning environment. The study's purpose is to identify character development among students through the practice of Differentiated Pedagogy in Islamic Education and to determine how positive character traits can be cultivated through these practices in the classroom. The study employs a qualitative methodology using semi-structured interview protocols. The findings reveal that several student character traits can be developed through Differentiated Pedagogy in Islamic Education teaching. The results also indicate that positive character traits can be nurtured through Differentiated Pedagogy. This study has significant implications for the Malaysian Ministry of Education, State Education Departments, District Education Offices, schools, Islamic Education teachers, and students. Positive character traits cultivated through Differentiated Pedagogy ensure that the new generation can be educated with commendable practices.</p> Zurina Mustaffa, Zaharah Hussin, Azni Yati Kamarudin, Zuraini Yaakub, Aidawati Abdul Rahman, Hafiz Idrus Copyright (c) 2025 https://adum.um.edu.my/index.php/O-JIE/article/view/57904 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0800