Section Articles

Contributions of the Law and Order Towards the Proliferation of Muslim Ideologies in The United States of America

Abdurrahman Toyese Adesokan (Primary Contact)
Abdullah Yusof
Aizan Ali Mat Zin

Main Article Content


Law and order of the United States of America play tremendous role towards the proliferation of Muslims ideologies. Muslims benefits from the Law of the land that permits the believers to practice their religion and its tenets freely and Islam disallow the Muslims to go against the law of the land so far it allows them to practice their religion. It has been normal for the Muslims in America to enjoy the same opportunity of the protection and security that the Jews, Gentiles and the Christians enjoy in the States. This has been the case since 1786 when Thomas Jefferson recounted his satisfaction with the state of Virginia’s landmark bill for establishing religious freedom that was passed by then. The friendly neighborhood that Islam encouraged made it applicable to American law. Houston Congress-man Al-Green supported Islam been a friendly religion, condemning atrocity of labelling Islam with terrorism, defending this course in the congress of America by saying: “I stand here to support Islam today, one of the great religions of the world. He said: to demean Islam by adding the world terrorist with it is an injustice to the religion” (Record, 2015). President Thomas Jefferson’s recognition of the Ramadan iftar in 1805 proved that the American Founding Fathers appreciated the existence of Islam in their domain since then and it continued till today (Wang, 2017). This work will showcase many of the American Law and Order in favor of Islam and the Muslims. The result will clear America as a safe place for moderate and obedient Muslims.


Proliferation Freedom Tolerance Community Structure

Article Details

Author Biographies

Abdullah Yusof, University of Malaya , Lecturer of the Department of History and Islamic Civilization

Abdullah Bin Yusof working in Department of Islamic History and Civilization at University of Malaya, Malaysia, He was awarded Silver Medal, Mita_apium, 2015, (International), Metodologi Rawatan Islam Berasaskan Ruqyah Al-Syar'Iyyah: Kajian Perbandingan Antara Pusat Pengubatan Di Malaysia Dan Indonesia, Akademi Pengajian Islam Universiti Malaya, 2014, (University), Pusat Rawatan Alternatif Berteraskan Al-Quran Dan Al-Sunnah: Satu Kajian Di Malaysia, Akademi Pengajian Islam Universiti Malaya, 2014, (University), Ketua Projek Metodologi Rawatan Islam Berasaskan Ruqyah Syar'Iyyah: Kajian Perbandingan Antara Pusat Pengubatan Di Malaysia Dan Indonesia, Akademi Pengajian Islam Universiti Malaya, 2014, (University), Khidmat Setia 20 Award, 2011.

Aizan Ali Mat Zin, University of Malaya , Lecturer of the Department of History and Islamic Civilization

Academic Qualification and professional Achievements:

PhD (Wales, UK ) (2010), UNIVERSITY OF WALES, UK



Association of Muslim Social Scientists, Member, 2005 to 2008, (International)

British Society for Middle Eastern Studies, Member, 2005, (National)

Council of Religious Leaders, Committee, 2007, (National)

Department of Islamic History and Civilization, Academy of Islamic Studies, Academic Assessment Panel, 2010 to 2029, (University).

How to Cite
Adesokan, A. T., Yusof, A., & Ali Mat Zin, A. (2023). Contributions of the Law and Order Towards the Proliferation of Muslim Ideologies in The United States of America. Al-Muqaddimah: Online Journal of Islamic History and Civilization, 8(1), 17–30.