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Ruchi Pandey
Rajendra Kumar
Sumit Tiwari
S. D. Pandey


The results of TL studies in aqueous grown undoped KCl crystals are reported. A de-convolution of TL curve into five component peaks has been performed and trap depths have been obtained. The importance of bi-vacancy has been established as a fundamental trap and its anion vacancy end has also been proposed as a suitable trap for thermoluminescence in KCl crystals. The traps at anion vacancies linked to impurity vacancy I-V   pairs have also been envisaged and the shift in the depths of traps is attributed to the electric field of I-V pairs in the lattice caused by inherent divalent ions. Some traps linked to hydroxyl groups have also been identified.


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How to Cite
Ruchi Pandey, Kumar, R., Sumit Tiwari, & S. D. Pandey. (2023). THE STRUCTURE OF THERMOLUMINESCENCE TRAPS IN AQUEOUS GROWN KCl. Malaysian Journal of Science, 42(2), 62–66.
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