A Critique On The Concept Of Sustainable Development


  • Amy Sing Fuay Ng


sustainable development, International Union for the Conservation of Nature, UNCED, Agenda 21, Rio Declaration, Stockholm Declaration, UNCLOS, Gabchikovo-Nagymaros Dam


As we look to the world today, one factor stands out glaringly, be it in the developed country or in a developing country, it is that, most of the current economic activities are not sustainable. Demands of a growing human population and an expanding global economy are placing increasing stresses on natural systems such as the forests, grasslands, wetlands and river systems which in turn threaten the very existence of diversity fo species. 


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How to Cite

Ng, A. S. F. (2001). A Critique On The Concept Of Sustainable Development. Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law, 28(1), 115–136. Retrieved from http://adum.um.edu.my/index.php/JMCL/article/view/16225