eISSN: 2590-4159
International Online Journal of Educational leadership (IOJEL) is a double-blind peer-reviewed open access journal which is published twice a year, in June and December in English. This journal published empirical, conceptual, and review papers of exceptional quality that contributes to the theoretical and practical discussions of educational leadership thinking and practices. It provides a platform for deliberations and exchange of knowledge among educational leadership scholars and practitioners to discuss issues and developments in leadership for schools, educational management, educational organizations, and higher education. IOJEL accepts manuscripts in any mode of inquiry (e.g., positivist, interpretative or critical approach) with qualitative, quantitative, or mix method that has the potential to contribute to the field of educational leadership.
Current Issue
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): International Online Journal of Educational Leadership
Published: 2023-06-30